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Street Trees

Street trees – Street trees shall be live oaks at a minimum size of 3-inch caliper, 14-foot height (minimum) and 6-foot spread (minimum) with a full canopy and straight trunk. No low forks will be accepted on street trees. There shall be no tolerance with regard to under-sizing street trees. Undersized trees shall be removed and replaced as required by the ARB. Trees shall be measured for caliper size six inches (6") above finished grade.  Street trees are required for all lots in the community and may only be removed by the homeowner if they are replaced with one of the following “acceptable street tree replacements” listed below. Acceptable street tree replacements are required to be installed in accordance with the size requirements of this subsection. 

Acceptable Street Tree Replacements

Wingled Elm 

Eagleston/Dahoon Holly

Live Oaks

Florida Maple

Southern Magnolia


Tree Removal - No existing trees greater than four (4) inches in diameter at breast height shall be removed or cut without the approval of the ARB. Tree removal permits must be obtained in accordance with Pasco County regulations. Builders and home­owners shall comply with the "Pasco County Tree Protection and Restoration Ordinance."


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